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- Kim

Char has impacted my life in a way that I cannot fully describe. I had gone from running marathons a year ago to not even being able to run to the mailbox, and have been in physical therapy for months trying to get a handle on a major lumbar instability.

I had many painful symptoms in both my spine and SI joint. I had nerve pain burning through my legs and feet for months and intense cramping as well. While "traditional" physical therapy helped a little bit, I knew there was something more to my situation. I just wasn't progressing as I should have despite being prescribed a very diligent exercise routine and therapy.

My experience with Char proved that I was right, there was more! She assessed my entire situation and was able to pinpoint many internal organ/soft tissue/fascia problems that seemed to be the driving force behind my instability. Her ability to detect and sense what my body was experiencing and her depth of knowledge and scientific explanation went far beyond anything I could ever imagine!

Due to the therapy she was able to provide, I am finally progressing much, MUCH faster on my way back to full recovery! I cannot thank her enough for all she has done, it has been a year of utter frustration and pain, and she has set me back on track! I would without a doubt recommend her to ANYONE!   



- Robin

Going to Char has been a life-healing experience for me. I thought I was going to experience a cranial massage. Instead it was like a whole body resurrection. I was 57, getting stiff and gaining weight. My back, shoulders, lungs, and legs all gave me issues of one kind or another. I was swollen in weird places like my upper chest, and around my chin, and stomach too. I thought it just meant I was growing old, getting fat and breaking down.

When I arrived Char looked me over very carefully and noticed the way I stood, sat and moved. She then began to read my body with her fingers. She didn't need or want me to outline my ailments...she felt for them. She didn't take or read notes, she read my body – unlike anyone I have ever been to. When she located issues, which was very quick, she followed the aches and pains to their root and used her fingers gently and lightly to unblock the core problem. I left feeling like I had just experienced a weird and wonderful healing.

This is not your typical massage, it is gentle and profound- almost spiritual and intuitive. I left feeling like I was 57 and life was going backward towards health and rejuvenation. I highly recommend this to anyone who needs to experience their own body's healing force. Char will help you find it and get it to flow. The swelling and stiffness is leaving me, and the effects seem to last!  



- Christina

This was one of the best decisions I have ever made. To do something for myself, at first , I felt guilty. I didn't have extra money to book massage appointments. I have had all kinds of massages and usually I get a deep tissues massage. But Chars' massages are not like any other. It is so unique its very hard to describe to anyone. I have been going to Char for about a year now and I feel healthier then I have ever felt, even though I have gone through a lot of stressful changes in my life. She is AWESOME!!!  



- Ronda

Being treated by Char is unlike any other kind of traditional therapy. She has the ability to perceive and read your body in a gentle and unique way. She is able to find and interpret your body’s restrictions/limitations quickly without knowing any background knowledge. Being treated by her also allows you to become more in tune with your body, and start to appreciate how much things in your body are related. When working with Char I am constantly blown away by what I am able to feel and learn during my treatment. I love that she doesn’t just focus on one injury/restriction/problem but takes the time to listen to your body and let it guide the treatment. She has an amazing ability to listen to what your body is telling her that day and not be biased by previous treatments. I am always excited to see Char because I never know what is going to happen during my treatment, and it is always exactly what my body needs. I am constantly learning more about my body, and being more appreciative of how connected it is. Char is an incredible therapist, uses gentle techniques, and has an amazing breadth of knowledge. Highly recommend her!!  



- Mary

You sometimes don't know how broken you are until something is healed and no longer "stuck" and suddenly you realize you feel normal or fixed!  So thankful for Char Angelosante... Bit by bit she is helping me regain lost physical ground from injuries that set me way back!  Today I can move in ways I'd forgotten I could...  WOW!!  Feeling stronger every day.  Coming out of that fog of everyday pain to a clear mind and a connected, working body.  So very thankful.  Highly recommend.   


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