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Treatment Philosophy:


As your Integrative Massage Therapist, I will assess structure, work with emotions, energy, and fluids as well as the support network and relationship around or between them.  The goal is to restore balance, stability and ease.  We are not a body walking through space.  For this reason, I believe it is important to treat the whole person.  Your physical body and the human spirit and soul who lives inside your physical body has also lived though your experiences and when they can all come together, true healing can happen.  It is not me with my hands on your body to help your muscles relax but instead, I believe we work better together as a team. This is a collaborative process between my clients and me and through this collaboration, we both have a part to create progress.  This is essential to create the relief or transformation you’re looking for.  My job is to set you up for success and that success happens when I’m in the room with you on my treatment table, and it happens when you leave and walk through your life each day.

We will talk about habits, lifestyle, limitations, beliefs, survival strategies, inflammation management and movement.  You will have homework and you will spend time on my treatment table and even perhaps a zoom call.  Together we will create the change inside your physical body that you’re ready for.  This is not passive for you, CHANGE happens when we work together!


When you’re on the treatment table, we will effect the fluid and connective tissue layers that weave throughout your muscles, nerves, vascular system, organs and bones. This connective tissue is called fascia ("fash-uh"), and is essentially the "web" of you.  We will address your tissues from a perspective of stability, expression of movement and always look to restore balance and adaptability or resilience.


Injuries and traumas from the past and daily stress can build tensions in your body and create loss of stability, and sometimes scarring, adhesions, immobility, and holding patterns. Pain and dysfunction can stem from or be exacerbated by: 


  • Aging and degeneration (the effects of gravity with degeneration, aging, "over-use" injuries or compressive injuries)


  • Traumas (includes concussion, falls, accidents, and emotional trauma)


  • Inflammation or edema (any "itis" really means inflammation)


  • Illness/infection/pathologies


  • Injuries and Surgeries (includes chronic pain, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia)


  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunction or Nervous System Imbalances (Can include many things, please message if you have questions)


  • Inflexibility and/or muscle weaknesses/repetitive movement patterns/imbalances or dysfunctional and “creative” movement.  


Any of the above can move your body from wellness to “less than ideal" and limit your life.  These issues can include pain, anxiety, depression as well as digestive and/or reproductive difficulties, inflammation, ”repetitive over-use" injuries, disc pains/herniation, postural changes, muscle tightness as well as many other dysfunctions. 

On the table, we will improve tissue elasticity,  fluid flow, mobility/motility, balance pressures, reduce tensions and reduce pain, as well as help restore your movement patterns and bring your mind body connection back to healthy. 


Have you ever noticed that you can see someone from behind and recognize who it is because of the way he/she moves?  This is because everyone moves in their own unique patterns.  I believe it is important to train movement to expand these patterns and build as many movement pathways as possible.  This is the path to prevention, and it promotes better body balance with muscle activation, strength and adaptability.  

We know from the laws of physics that we "move through the path of least resistance" so when we are intentional to practice movement then we are also removing resistance barriers and building foundational support which promotes optimal overall body mind health.


I am the facilitator and my goal is to help your body work as it’s intended and be its own healer!



More About me...


Like many other moms, it has always been my dream to be home and available while my children are young. Working from home gives me the time I want with my two daughters while I continue to work and grow in my profession. I have always had a love of sports and the outdoors, and creative and fun movements which I will integrate into your treatment plan!  Combining movement and body work together can be not only therapeutic, but fun too!  


I have nearly 3 decades of experience with frequent continuing education and mentoring in osteopathic manual therapy with specialized modalities, such as Structural Integration and Myofascial Release, Visceral Manipulation, Lymphatic Drainage, Heart Centered Therapy, Brain Therapy, and Divine Energetics allows me a unique and comprehensive approach for my clients. I have been a yoga instructor for over 2 decades.  My training as a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), and Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) is combined with many specific movement strategies, such as functional movement yoga, barre and pilates techniques, animal movements to help retrain and reactivate your body for movement and stability.   


This multidisciplinary background helps me treat and teach my clients how to improve their health from the inside and out. My greatest joy in life, besides my family, is pulling pieces together to help my clients' body heal.  I believe it is best to work in a collaborative relationship to create the transformation together that you are searching for. I also believe best results happen when we can treat the entirety of you, we will talk about habits and self care, inflammation control and restoration strategies as well as receiving body work on the table. 

My promise to you as my clients, is to maintain a humble attitude while I give you undivided attention during your session. I will commit to paying attention to your body in a unique way to gain a global understanding of the relationships within your body that may be struggling, and causing you problems.  We will build bridges and break barriers so your body can heal.  I am very dedicated in continuing to actively pursue growth, understanding and experience to better assist each person I work with.

I have done extensive training through the Barral Institute, Chikly Health Institute, Peter Levin DO (Formally known as Peter Wuhrl DO), Ron Murray DO, Donna Bajelis (Institute of Structural Medicine, Hellerwork) and others, as well as having been a long time participant in frequent study groups to fine tune and grow my skills.

I train and consult with a group of highly accomplished therapists from around the world on a regular basis who continue to facilitate a curious and open mind so that all things are possible.


I am also the Founder and President of Finding GLOW.  Please refer to our website for more details.  We would love to see you in one of our courses or retreats!  


Please reach out for any further questions.  I look forward to meeting you!

© 2023 by Ray Klien. Proudly created with

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