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A session might include...


- Integrative Massage 

- Movement or stretching

- Dialogue, Instruction and Collaboration




M A S S A G E 

Gentle techniques working with the body's connective tissues and fascia, visceral layers, neural or vascular network, fluid dynamics, pressure balancing, energies and rhythm restore or more.  Sometimes this experience is passive but mostly, you are very much engaged as I want to keep you connected within your own body and healing process.



M O V E M E N T   or   S T R E T C H I N G 

It is important to learn your strategies as well as your strengths, weaknesses and needed modifications.  We will combine many styles of movement to create space for optimal movement.  More is not better, this is about precision.



D I A L O G U E  and  C O L L A B O R A T I O N 

This is not something I am here to do for you.  I am a facilitator and you are working with and living in your body.  Your mind and body are always communicating and sometimes learning to listen can be the best asset for your healing.  It is my goal bring awareness and help you reconnect so that change can happen naturally from the inside out.  Hands on and movement is only part of the process.  Through a combination of in person or zoom calls, we can create a plan specifically for you to help meet you where you're at.



Integrated Healing Session $150.  

Please take advantage of the 20% silver discount for the more experienced folks over 70,  $120

(No additional charge for the "healing presence" from the pup. (haha)



If you're looking for more, please visit




For extra support, help yourself "activate"


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